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What is an electrical panel?
It is the common name given to an electrical distribution board. A distribution board is a peripheral component of an energy source such as a solar panel or wind turbine and it divides an electrical current feed into many subsidiary circuits within a cavity designed to protect the integrity of each circuit. A panel is […]
Circuit Breakers for Panelboard and Printed Circuit Boards
Panelboard has always been a favorite of small to medium-sized businesses because of its durability and comparatively low cost, but over the years panelboard have developed several shortcomings. One of these is that over time the wires in the boards can become damaged and lose their functionality and usefulness. In order to address this issue […]
What Electrical Control Panels Are Used For?
An electrical control panel is a protective enclosure, usually a plastic case or metallic box that contains several key electrical components which control and monitor many different mechanical processes within a factory. They are normally energised, electronically controlled systems which require regular maintenance, with scheduled maintenance and status-based monitoring often being the best ways to […]
Control Panel Board – Basics
A control panel board is an electronic device which stores different electrical devices for controlling and managing machines like motors and machinery, as well as protecting from failures and protecting the operations from overloads. It is also used for integration with wiring loom and electrical panels. The control panel is attached to the electrical panel […]
Selecting the Right Electrical Panelboard for Your Application
Electrical Panelboards are a crucial part of every electronic or electrical system. They are the conductor for electricity and also provide a safe and protective ground for them. In large establishments they are present on all the electrical circuits to ensure safety and reliability of the system. The main components in an Electrical Panelboard are […]
Distribution Boards With Breakers
A distribution board (or distribution board) is an important part of any electrical supply system that separates an electrical current from its respective feed point and delivers it to subsidiary units. It performs an important function, but the function is often overlooked and under-appreciated. The reason is that a typical home user does not require […]
Automatic Power Factor Correction Panels
What exactly is Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC)? An APFC panel normally performs the function of an Automatic Power Factor Correction. An Automatic Power Factor Correction adjusts the voltage factor based on the current load demands of the electrical circuit or the house where it is located. It then stores the readings and compares them […]
What Are the Three Types of Electrical Production?
What are the three types of electrical production? The first one is power, which is mainly what you use to power machines and other electrical equipment. Power can be created when two or more potential sources are brought together, and the heat created by friction in the air causes the electricity that results. This could […]
How 3 Phase Electric Motors Work
How 3 phases can supply 230 and 415v? How about the peak power rating of each motor? How about the size in diameter of each phase? These are only some of the questions one may ask in relation to a discussion about electric motors. To answer these queries, you must first understand how electric motors […]
What is the Disadvantage of the Low Power Factor?
APFC or Alternating Current Capacity is a constant electricity source with a high-efficiency rating. It is known that this type of system has a very low cost per kilowatt-hour of capacity. This low cost per unit of capacity is in part due to its use of a form of magnetic energy which is a magnetically […]